Pomeranian Regional Development Agency S.A., (PRDA) has managed the Słupsk Special Economic Zone (SSEZ) since 1997 under a decree of the Council of Ministers. The SSEZ is one of the key tools that the agency uses to promote economic growth in Central Pomerania.
Special Economic Zones are designated administrative areas in Poland where business activities are conducted under special, preferential conditions.
As the SSEZ administrator, PRDA plays a vital role in the zone's development, working with local governments, employment offices, educational institutions, technical infrastructure network operators, financing institutions, and others to provide professional and comprehensive support to investors. Years of collaboration with economic environment partners enable the agency to effectively assist companies.
The zone encompasses 18 subzones with a total area of 910 hectares, including the cities of Słupsk, Ustka, Koszalin, Szczecinek, Lębork, Darłowo, and Wałcz, as well as the municipalities of Redzikowo, Debrzno, Polanów, Karlino, Tychowo, Czarne, Kalisz Pomorski, and Biesiekierz.
Since the Poland Investment Zone (PIZ) program took effect in 2018 under the Act on Supporting New Investments, it has expanded the scope of Special Economic Zones. Today, investors no longer need to relocate to a zone because the zone "comes to the investor." Income tax relief is available to all entrepreneurs regardless of location or size. Learn more about how to receive support in the "Poland Investment Zone" section.
The SSEZ area under the PIZ program covers 16 poviats in the Pomeranian, West Pomeranian, and Greater Poland voivodeships.

The offer of lands
in the Subzones of the Słupsk SEZ.
in Pomeranian Voivodership:
- bytowski
- człuchowski
- lęborski
- kościerski
- słupski
in West Pomeranian Voivodership:
- białogardzki
- drawski
- kołobrzeski
- koszaliński
- sławeński
- szczeciniecki
- świdwiński
in Great Poland Voivodership:
- złotowski
Map of the area within the Słupsk Special Economic Zone
as part of the Poland Investment Zone and the subzones of the Słupsk SEZ.